Tuesday 12 March 2013

Life’s lessons applied to your wardrobe

How many of these lessons can also apply to our wardrobes?

I’ve just paid £15 for a £1 portion of chips!
The nice man in the chip shop informed me, after I’d handed over my money, that the 50p I’d given him in the changes was worth £15!  Strangely enough he didn’t want to give it back to meL

  • We don’t always realise the value of what we have in our wardrobes.   I’ve met many clients who’ve realised that items they already possess can be used differently, accessorised or altered and brought back to a useful working life again. 

I arrived home to find half of one of my plants had fallen off.  I’m fond of it, a faithful old friend that survives my neglect!  Having rectified the situation, it looks so much better for a significant pruning. If I take care of it properly there’s even a chance it will survive and thrive again.

  • We may be fond of our wardrobes but just like plants, a serious prune every now and then is essential to maintain a long, healthy and useful life.  It may be that a whole section needs an overhaul or simply a bit of maintenance, care and attention will bring it back to life. 
My kitchen storage jar (containing chocolate drops) had mysteriously developed a chip.  It’s a mystery how others containing sultanas, raisins, flour and nuts don’t have the same inclination to jump off the shelf – maybe my two young boys can shed some light?  So I bought a replacement but unfortunately, my memory didn’t serve me well and I bought the wrong size…. then discovered I already had a replacement and could have saved my time and money.
  • We often think we need something new but our memory of what we’re trying to replace isn’t quite accurate.  Not only that but there is often something already in our wardrobe that will do perfectly well, possibly with a bit of tweaking using accessories, if we only took a look.
All these lessons are useful practical tips that apply equally at times of economic recession or abundance.  Understanding how to inject a bit of colour, variety and interest into your wardrobe by starting with what’s already there has got to be worth a bit of time and attention – hasn’t it?