Friday 11 April 2008

Introducing Christine Windsor from House of Colour

My name is Christine Windsor and I am co-director of House of Colour, the leading British colour and image consultancy.

This blog is all about the benefits of having your image professionally analysed by qualified image consultants. Over time I hope to give you lots of tips about how to look your very best, through building and using everyday, a wonderful co-ordinated wardrobe of clothes, all of which suit you as an individual.

Established in 1985 House of Colour, has an elite team of over 100 consultants nationwide.

House of Colour consultants help you to discover your assets and teach you how to project the very best aspects of your appearance. They identify your spectrum by analysing your natural skin, hair and eye colouring, through colour analysis. They also show you how to dress correctly based on your body shape and personality.

You will learn from a professional and expert trainer, who has received the best, most intensive and thorough training available today so that you get an accurate analysis, personal advice and a clear understanding of exactly what to wear.

If you have had your “colours done” in the past and are not convinced that they were correctly analysed, then working with one of House of Colour’s experts will give you the peace of mind that you have been correctly analysed and that you can trust the recommendations that you have been given.

To find your local image consultant, just go to

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