Wednesday 2 January 2013

Gok’s Style Secrets and Showing your assets

Gok’s back, Girlfriends!
A new 6-part series with tips on dating, finding self-confidence and love.  A bit more than style secrets, but if it makes a positive difference in someone’s life, I’m all for it! 
At House of Colour, we have never professed to the latter, however, after nearly 30 years’ experience of Personal style and branding, we have seen people, time after time, finding self-confidence, which frequently leads to positive life changes. 
The good news?  It’s not much of a secret.
The secret, is confidently dressing your true self, i.e. KNOWING what works for you.  Therein lies the problem, KNOWING is a challenge given that it’s difficult, if not impossible to be objective about yourself.    Friends and family knowing you well can’t usually provide objectivity either.
Zoe, tonight’s subject, kept her familiar [safe] territory, Goth!  
With a full bust and a complex about having a large midriff, Gok immediately identified and revealed her waist as her best asset.  Hiding under androgynous shapes is inappropriate.  Straight gothic looks are appropriate for straight body shapes, not Zoe’s.
By drawing attention to your assets, your body transforms, big bums, become curvaceous hips, team this with a full bust and waist and you have an hourglass figure – a million miles from androgynous.
When a client who didn’t like her ‘big boobs’ was told she could show off her cleavage, she was absolutely fine with that!   
It’s all about perspective, how we see ourselves gives how we dress for the outside world. 
Given the gift of objectivity, we are able to reverse the process.  Presenting your true self to the world can change the way you see yourself, often leading to a confidence boost.
 “The thing that changed me is being able to feel like a woman and liking myself”
Congratulations Zoe!  Couldn’t have said it better! Great job!

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