Tuesday 15 April 2014

There’s no ‘best before’ date on style

The lady wore black……. almost unrelieved black.

An electric blue fairy danced gaily on her hat and a scatter of white polka dots, like a starling’s wing, graced the gauzy silk of her scarf. But, apart from that, she was in black; black hat, wide black belt nipping in a slender waist in a black winter coat, black gloves, black riding boots.
And she looked great!
We bonded over a stray shopping trolley which required escorting ‘home’, when she expressed admiration for my sartorial style (I, needless to say as a Spring, was not in black).
Well, right back atcha, sister!

The curls escaping from her hat may have been silver, the mischievous eyes set in a sea of fine wrinkles but this lady clearly showed that you don’t have to give up on looking spectacular just because a certain birthday has passed.
When I told her how fantastic she looked she giggled unashamedly and told me it was all done on a shoestring. The belt had come from Primark, the scarf from a charity shop, the hat from Claire’s Accessories. The dancing fairy had been made for her by her great grand-daughter. The coat and boots she laughed, well they had been in her wardrobe for ever!
Despite obviously being in her eighties, this lovely lady was subtly but exquisitely made up, with a vibrant raspberry coloured lipstick enhancing her bright blue eyes. Black was so obviously right for her, the neat but slightly dramatic style complementing her naughty personality.
I didn’t get her name but she was an inspiration. I think I want to be just like her when I grow up - only not in black - Chocolate or Geranium Red, maybe……..?

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