Thursday 14 February 2013

Internet Shopping

I’ve just done my shopping… on a Sunday!  The shop was warm and comfortable, like my favourite armchair, it only took me an hour, AND I was home with my feet up in no time.

Internet shopping, not everyone’s cup of tea, but extremely handy for busy people when you know what you’re looking for (style, shape, colour, patterns, proportions) and even better when you know which brands suit you and fit you.

While browsing our Facebook page and following the trail threads, I was prompted to look at a brand that works really well for my clothing personality (Classic Ingenue) and figure shape (sharp curve), (Damsel in a Dress) – and thanks to the bargain I picked up in the January sale, (a dress for £50 reduced from £189), I even know my size! 

The beauty of internet shopping is that once I’ve decided to buy I order several items to try on in the comfort of my own home… with my accessories and shoes ‘handy by’.  I just need to make sure I return them promptly if I don’t want them, it’s what my Granny called trying ‘on approval’…. Bring it home, try it and if it doesn’t work, take it back to the shop!  The age of the credit card has made this to everyone’s mutual benefit, providing you have the discipline to take it back you can order more than you’re prepared to spend, allowing you to try a few things and select which work best.   I placed the order at 10pm on Sunday and by Tuesday, the delivery had arrived. 

I’m not a fan of shopping because taking my clothes off is such a hassle!  So much easier to try them on as I’m on my way to bed or getting dressed in the morning – it’s more time efficient, my husband is there to offer a second opinion and I can generally get unwanted items in the post the next day and back on my credit card before the next bill is issued!

However, from bygone days of catalogue shopping, I’m well aware of the advantages of shopping knowing my colours and clothing personality.  Much as some outfits look fantastic on the models, I recognise the ones that won’t work so well on me, whether it’s pattern type, scale, colour scheme or shape, some things are clearly MINE and most are not – a great time and energy saver!

I’ve been too busy writing this to be bothered to try them on tonight however, tomorrow morning will suffice and my credit card balance will live to tell the tale!


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