Friday 28 June 2013

The Tale of Six Pink Cardigans

Is doing your own wardrobe review difficult?  If you're me, yes, which is why this is hard to write.

Maybe it isn't hard for you - maybe you’re one of those enviable people who can just say ‘no, I've had you for long enough, you're tired and out of fashion; bye.’  If so, then this blog is for your amusement only.  

Oh, before we even start, I’m assuming that everything in your wardrobe is in your correct Seasonal Colours - if not, that's the first question you should ask. 
My wardrobe’s ruthlessly organised with trousers, jackets, skirts together and so on, neutrals on the left and then a rainbow progression from red through to violet.  This may seem to border on the obsessive but when you have many clothes it makes sense to keep them organised.

The problem with this is duplication - when I switched over to my Summer wardrobe last week it was embarrassing to find that I have no less than 28 cardigans!
Now, I can cope with having 28 cardigans in theory, but worryingly a closer look revealed that I had six pink cardigans!
I’ll share with you the painful process of whittling them down to an acceptable number.

The first question I ask myself is‘Did I wear it last year?’ Yes to everything except the shell pink one and the Kettlewell short cascade.

  • Did I enjoy wearing it? Yes, except the classic round neck. 

  • Is it still looking good? They're all fine except the round neck, a bit flat, and the shocking pink looks a little tired. The round neck was new last season, a cheap £10 bargain - maybe not such a bargain after all?

  • How many items in my wardrobe does it go with?  The shell pink goes with nearly everything, as does the coral wrap, the shocking pink goes with three things and the ugly sister is the classic round neck!

  • Lastly, do I love it? I do love the silly waterfall sleeves on the shocking pink, I'm really fond of the Kettlewell short cascade and I'm prepared to love the shell pink crop. The round neck thing is boring and I'm happy to let it go!
So there we are. Six pink cardigans reduced to five - was it worth the effort?

Well, I’ve gained the space of one cardigan and, remember, I’m now going to carry out the same exercise with the rest of my wardrobe.

The point is that there’s nothing wrong in having lots of clothes as long as they all work hard for you, you enjoy wearing them and they all look great on you.  Oh, they also need to fit and be in good condition!

It’s worth going through this process at least once every six months - even House of Colour Consultants have the odd sub-standard item that needs weeding out – do you?!

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